Ella Gotman is renowned as Israel’s first techno/trance female DJ. Having played Trance and electronic music in pirate radio stations for over two decades, today Gotman is one of the most famous club DJs in Israel with her own national radio program.
Ella Gotman has been part of ‘Krembo Records’ booking agency, by representing the label's sub-company, ‘Krembo Beats’. She has released 8 compilations of Techno/Trance since 1986, including “Space Mix” and “Alien Disco.”
She received worldwide recognition after her performance in Berlin's 2000 Love Parade. Since the nineties, Gotman has been touring in Israel and around the world, In parties like the Telavivian Love Parades, Hard Techno Trance gigs at ‘Mayday’ in Germany, ‘Inner City’ and ‘Dance Valley’ in Holland and other international gigs across Europe, South Africa and the USA.